The Llandinam Listener is a free village newsletter published at two-monthly intervals and delivered to some 340 households in the community. It is produced by a small voluntary committee with an editorial team, printed locally and distributed by a team of volunteers. The project was awarded an initial start-up grant from the P & L Community Trust but is now self-financing and non-profit making. It is funded by revenue from local advertisers, donations and coffee mornings. Issue 1 was published in February 2009.
The Listener contains not only listings of events taking place in and around the village but also information and contributions from all the different clubs and groups within the community. In addition there are puzzles, photographs, poems, stories, rural tales, recipes, recollections, local bus and rail timetables and handy phone numbers.
Contact and/or send submissions here: llandinamlistener(at)
The deadline for Issue 61: Feb/ March 2019 is Friday January 4th 2019
It helps us if you can send in your contributions as early as possible and certainly by the deadline date.
It will be delivered at the end of January 2019